Haitian Ladies Travel Club:
Your Gateway to Exquisite Adventures

Discover, Connect, Explore: Your Passport to Adventure

YOU CAN SAVE UP TO 70% OFF VACATIONS WITH MEMBER PRIVILEGES… Numerous members of Haitian Ladies Travel Club have had the chance to visit places they never would have imagined being able to. You will experience the best that travel has to offer as a member of Haitian Ladies Travel Club at a price that will surprise you.

The most exclusive concierge club in the world

MEMBER PRIVILEGES SAVES YOU UP TO 70% OFF VACATIONS… Haitian Ladies Travel Club has allowed many of our members the opportunity to travel to destinations they never thought were possible.As a member of Haitian Ladies Travel Club you will enjoy the best that travel has to offer at a rate that will surprise you.


We take pride in our rich Haitian heritage and strive to showcase the beauty and diversity of our culture to the world.


We take pride in our rich Haitian heritage and strive to showcase the beauty and diversity of our culture to the world.


We take pride in our rich Haitian heritage and strive to showcase the beauty and diversity of our culture to the world.

We specialise in making the impossible possible

Your own hyper-connected fixer-of-fabulous, we develop a deep understanding of your needs in both the short and long term, on hand wherever in the world you may be.

Unparalleled experience, first-hand knowledge and strong relationships

For us, opening seemingly unopenable doors and anticipating the ways in which we can delight, surprise and smooth your path through life is just what we do. Knightsbridge Circle’s spectrum of preferred partners – including many of the world’s most desirable brands – allows us to manage a diverse range of day-to-day and extraordinary requests to unprecedented levels.

Pre-emptive, imaginative and pro-active service

We proactively anticipate the needs of our members and we go to them with inspiration. Knightsbridge Circle defies definition and exceeds expectations on a daily basis. As our members so often testify, before they’ve even asked, we get.

Trust, originality and true inspiration: the value we offer is beyond all expectation. 

Apply for membership

Members of Knightsbridge Circle are hand-picked and consist of those who have a zeal for the best things in life and the multifaceted opportunities it offers. Membership is awarded on a selective basis.